JESUS & WOMEN - LED BY: DANIELLE GALOW & JENNIFER KLING (ROOM 1000) Join us as we dive into Kristi McLelland's study, Jesus and Women, discussing the powerful ways Jesus interacted with women in the Bible. Over the next 7 weeks, we will be examining the historical and cultural climate of first-century Middle Eastern society to not only understand Jesus more deeply but to fuel your worship of Him today. The book is $25 and includes a code for the seven videos that accompany each week.
BIBLE PEOPLE YOU’LL WISH YOU HAD KNOWN - LED BY: KATHY STRAWN (ROOM 1010) Want to know more about some Bible people who walked in the background of the Bible? We will be studying some of those Bible people, such as Ananias and the thief on the cross. During the study, we will focus on people in both the Old and the New Testament. No special book is needed - except for the Bible, of course! During each class, we will consider Bible passages about 1-2 of these Bible people and learn how to incorporate their characteristics in our own lives. Hope to see you there!
1ST & 2ND THESSALONIANS - LED BY: TROY ALLEN (ROOM 1020) Until Christ Comes is a 12 week study on Paul's letters to the Thessalonians. These letters were to encourage believers in the midst of hardship and persecution. Additionally, Paul reaffirms the faith and hope we have in Christ until He returns. Each week you will read a portion of the text and answer a series of questions in your workbook before coming to class. Then, we will discuss these questions in small and large group settings. Books are free and available in class or in the church office.
EPHESIANS - LED BY: DAVID STRAWN (ROOM 1030) Dr. David Strawn will be leading a study of one of Paul's most powerful and significant works, the Ephesian epistle. The group will walk verse by verse through the letter covering all six chapters in eleven weeks. Each week members will receive a custom study guide prepared by Dr. Strawn for that week's content. In addition, members desiring more depth may purchase a commentary on the Ephesian epistle from the Tyndale Commentary Series for $15. The group is meeting in room 1030 from 6PM-7PM each Sunday evening beginning August 25TH and continuing through November 3RD with the exception of September 1ST.
MISSIONS: THE HANDS & FEET OF CHRIST - LED BY: JENNA CARR (ROOM 1060 A/B) This study was designed to reveal to believers their role in God's grand plan for the nations! We will explore the theology, history and types of missions; some of the difficult questions of missions, like persecution; and finally, we will ask the question, "Are you called to missions?". Ultimately, we will learn that "missionary" is not a title ascribed to Jesus's "elite disciples", rather every believer who calls themselves by His Name has been called and empowered to be a witness for His kingdom in whatever context the Lord has placed them.